Content Production
Fueling a strong digital brand identity
In today’s digital age, building a strong brand identity that resonates with your audience is more critical than ever. At New Story, we understand the importance of creating impactful content that carries a brand’s DNA and creates preference. We believe in thinking digitally first when designing content assets to ensure optimal performance online and offline. Our goal is to help you create a powerful digital brand identity that ultimately drives growth and revenue.

Content creates loyalty
Content is on the forefront of any brand’s presence. It’s meant to engage your audience and build trust and loyalty over time. At New Story, we know that the key to successful content production is creating material that aligns with your brand’s DNA and resonates with your target audience. Don't expect it to be a matter of produce & publish. It involves many aspects - from understanding your brand positioning and business goals to maintaining data-driven insights about customer behavior. By working closely with you as a client, we keep eyes on all balls and help build executable content plans that are on topic, compelling and effective.
Producing infinite content
With technology and media constantly evolving, keeping up with the latest content production trends can be a daunting task. At New Story, we understand the challenges of producing impactful content that stands out in a crowded digital landscape. Our team of experts stays up to date on the latest media and technology - like AI-driven content - to ensure that your content is not only relevant but also effective in producing and driving your brand’s message. An example is our inbound AI content service. Be sure to check it out.
Think digitally first
Thinking digitally first means designing content assets with online performance in mind. At New Story, we learned the hard way that bad design decisions can lead to poor digital performance and search engine depreciation, which ultimately hurts your brand. By focusing on digital design, we help create assets that are optimized for online presence, including quick load times and easy HTML/CSS translation. Want to deep dive a little more about why to design digital first: here you go!
Partner-up for progress
We understand that building a strong brand is a never-ending game of inches. To cover as many details as possible, we work in close partnership with our clients to create guidelines for brand appeal, marketing, and media plans. By outlining these guidelines through the process of mapping, we build and protect a consistent brand identity that resonates with your target audience across all channels. A telling example is the traffic boosting content we create at warp speed for Bimi® broccoli on Pinterest.

Open-up for expertise
Take a wild guess: how many media channels and platforms are out there? Even Google and Chat GPT don't dare to deliver an estimate. But it's safe to assume: countless. That's why streamlining content production starts with creating and maintaining basic - media agnostic - branded components and resources. By developing these and making them accessible, we speed up the content production process, while maintaining the quality of the material produced. This approach enables us to involve freelance experts whenever the situation calls for it. We have the processes in place that ensure the content they produce aligns with your brand’s DNA.
Your content is safe with us
At New Story, we understand that effective content production is about creating a unique and impactful digital brand identity that resonates with your audience. If you’re looking for a digital agency that can help you produce strategically aligned content, reach out to us. Let us help you tell your story and create a brand that truly resonates with your audience - and reflects your brand.
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