
Combining Scrum and Waterfall

The Hybrid Development model is a powerful approach to development that brings together Scrum and Waterfall. These two models serve different purposes, and are suitable for different kind of projects. New Story prefers Scrum over any other development model, but recognizes that there are situations where the Hybrid development model is the way to go. Want to know when and why? Read on!

New Story Hybrid Development Model

Defining Scrum and Waterfall

Scrum is an agile methodology that helps teams deliver complex projects with speed and flexibility. It is most suitable for complex projects with changing requirements and an unclear path towards the understood outcome. On the other hand, Waterfall is a traditional methodology where development happens in a linear sequence of phases. It is most suitable for projects with well-defined requirements and a clear outcome.

Say hi to Hybrid

The Hybrid Model combines Scrum and a flexible version of Waterfall to create a more effective and efficient development process. In this approach, a new team is set up next to the Scrum team to work on a (usually) scoped project. The end product and planning is clear, yet decisions on how to build the application are open to discussion. The new team works follows the Waterfall model but reports the progress made to the Product Owner that is connected to the Scrum team. This approach ensures that the new  team can focus on the isolated project, without pulling away too much focus from the core development Scrum team.

Illustration of the Hybrid Model: combination of scrum sprint and waterfall flex projects
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Pros of the Hybrid model

  1. It allows for a more efficient development process by creating a new team to focus on specific projects, freeing up the Scrum team to focus on continuous development.
  2. It  provides a more flexible approach, allowing to increase development power and speed.

Cons of the Hybrid model

  1. It can be challenging for the Product Owner to manage two separate teams that work with different models, and a possibly a new tech stack.
  2. It often requires extra stakeholder management on client side.

Let's talk

Whatever model you choose - ultimately, the key to success is to understand the strengths and weaknesses of each methodology and to use them appropriately. We have a vast experience with working with the Scrum, Waterfall, Evolutionary (yes there is another one) and Hybrid model. What's your challenge? Please reach out to us, so we can sit down and learn what model serves your purpose best.

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